Production quality project

AI for more personal, powerful healthcare

Production quality project

Success story

Project to improve medical device manufacturing


Entire batches of medical devices can be quarantined or scrapped during manufacturing for non-quality reasons. For manufacturers, understanding why certain specifications essential to product quality are not being met is critical.

The project

We carried out an initial phase of descriptive data analysis using quality assurance data, obtained primarily from our customer’s in-house software. The data spanned several years and included several product lines.

We then trained artificial intelligence algorithmic models to gain a better understanding of the most important factors affecting final product specifications and how these factors contribute to overall product quality. Our customer’s statistical analysis teams worked with us to guide our approach and enable a deeper understanding of the differences between a “traditional” approach and an AI-based approach.


The results obtained highlighted differences in the analyses of how much different factors affecting the final product specifications contributed to product quality. Our customer was able to improve the quality of products coming off the production line and reduce the number of defective batches.

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Success stories

Production quality project

Project to improve medical device manufacturing

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